Holiday Dresses / Guest Post



N from Paper Doll World is no stranger to Doll Mag. She contributed amazing paper doll Halloween costumes to the September/October 2013 issue and provided a guest post in October. Today, we are very delighted to share the first out of her two guest posts for Holiday Headquarters! Shown below is an easy tutorial for a holiday dress, inspired by ones in the 1950’s {above is the original dress N was inspired by}. The tutorial is not very difficult to follow, and, in the end, you’ll have a stunning gown! :) Be sure to check back next week for two more step-by-step instructions.

Paper-Doll-World-Holiday-31 / Trace doll’s basic body shape and color it in.

2 / On a piece of tracing or tissue paper, trace the doll’s shoulders and arms and color them to match the dress.

3 / Paste the two pieces together.

4 / Cut to size. I made the sleeves a little less billowy so it would work as a modern dress as well, but it’s up to you.

Isn’t it gorgeous? I feel that Lulu and I will be crafting up some paper dolls ourselves this weekend. 

It’s also crazy to think that Holiday Headquarters is halfway over! Don’t worry though, we have plenty more to share.

3 thoughts on “Holiday Dresses / Guest Post

  1. Pingback: Birthday Party / Garden Guest Post | Doll Mag

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