Monthly Recap / March 2015


Monthly RecapTime can drag in the present, but when we reflected back on our March, the two of us realized how quickly time can fly. While we are eager to welcome spring weather, April vacation, and longer days with open arms, we didn’t want March to slip by without a Monthly Recap post. In typical fashion, it’s a bit later than we would have liked, but the two of us are happy to hear how your month went too!

What We Loved ♥ March was long, but that didn’t stop us from being busy and having fun! Bella made it through a week of finals and a week of state testing last month, so she was happy to recover from school stress with good books {some favorites include Mosquitoland by David Arnold, The Carnival at Bray by Jessie Ann Foley, and The Winner’s Curse by Marie Rutkoski}, yoga classes, and outings with friends.

Lulu too had a jam-packed schedule. She started rehearsals for her school’s one-act play festival entry; was admitted into her school’s literary magazine {YAY!}; and had state testing to get through as well. Nevertheless, we both managed to make it to the movie theaters to see Cinderella, which we loved, and we discovered our new Netflix obsession: The Paradise. What can we say? We like our British actors.

Monthly Recap MarchReader’s Favorites ♥ The Doll Mag Blogger Awards / Work It Like a Boss: Online Etiquette

Lulu’s Favorites ♥ Oh Sew Happy! (01) / Meet Gigi

Bella’s Favorites ♥ Craft: Floral Glasses Case / Magazine Spring 2015

Doll Mag Around the Web ♥ Doll Diaries

Doll Mag Blogger AwardsLooking Ahead ♥ If this past week has been any indication, April will bring a number of happy memories! Bella is super-duper excited to visit New York next week with her drama department; she’ll see a performance of Finding Neverland and sightsee around the city with her friends. Lulu can’t wait for April break, because there is nothing better than a good vacation. Finally, both of us can’t wait to wrap up our blogging issue to share with our readers in May {on the note, be sure to vote in the Doll Mag Blogger Awards HERE if you haven’t done so already :)}.

Have a wonderful rest of your day!

4 thoughts on “Monthly Recap / March 2015

  1. Is there any chance you could add me to the newbies? I’ve only had my blog for a month. If you haven’t seen it it is called The Sunshine Dollies. The link is:

      • I’m sorry if I was not clear. I am requesting that you add my blog to the “Newbies” catagory for voting on the “Doll Mag Blogger Awards”. I understand if you cannot, but either way I’d really appreciate it if you check out my blog, comment, and MAYBE follow. I know it’s a lot to ask, and you don’t have to at all! Just please let me know. Thanks for reading,
        P.S: I have actually had my blog for less than a month, so sorry about the typo!

      • Hi there! Thanks for writing back! The Doll Mag Blogger Awards is run by us, but the nominations were chosen by DM readers over the past month; unfortunately, that means we cannot add you into the running at this point. Thank you for your interest, though! :) Also, we are AWFUL at visiting our readers’ blogs, but we will do our best to take a peek soon!

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